Monday, August 25, 2008

New Template for Mavii Site

Do you like the new template? Do you miss the old one? What drove Sister Lisa to change the template? Is it what it seems, or can we do an analysis that will prove differently. Am I 'freaking' you out?


Chris said...

You are freaking me out!! I am just getting used to the old one, but this looks great also!! Iam almost ready to learn blogging, Lisa. Conventional wisdom would say I am untrainable, but you have proven them wrong!!!!

Dawn said...

This template isn't as "pretty" but I I think it is easier to navigate. It sounds like we have some first time bloggers! The old template was a bit hard to navigate, so maybe this will get the others to jump in. THough it isn't very feminine...can't we put a flower somewhere or a touch of pink?

bookbabe said...

Dawn are you still awake?

bookbabe said...

I thought I was the only insomniac!

Well, I have to admit, I thought I had reached the wrong page when I reached our blog. I do like it though. This is less intimidating.

I would love it if more of the Mavii would join in. I am always looking to see who has found this site and if anyone can guess who I am?

Lisa, this must be easy to maintain. You have to be swamped right now with Liz leaving and yet you still have time to play with our favorite blog. But, then again, you are the most organized creature on the face of the earth. God luv ya!

See you guys around!

Sister Kim said...

My comments:
1. I believe, by content of her blogs (especially the response on the daycare question), that Bookbabe is Glenn. Are you going to reveal yourself, insomniac mystery sister?
2. Dawn and Bookbabe -- it makes me tired just reading the times on your posts!
3. I do think the new template is easier to navigate, but agree with Dawn that a sparkle or two is always a positive. On the other hand, this might be the best template to start with since we're novices.
4. Chris -- I'm so glad you were persistent, and love reading your comments -- you make me laugh!

Lisa said...

bookbabe Glenn? I think not. bookbabe Val would be my guess. Could it be Joanne or Sue in disguise? We have not heard from them as far as I know!!


Lisa said...

Don't 'Freak'out my fellow sisters. I am trying to accommodate your wishes and my yearning for a 'perfect template' for my Mavii sisters. The good news, it is easy to change templates. The bad news, slim pickins on the choices. We could always create our own -- but that is not something I have time to do at this time.

So until we have a custom site, I will mess around (or you can figure out how to mess around) and change the templates until we land on something good. Sorry sister dawn, couldn't find a flower -- and the 'touch of pink' was a blast of pink I just couldn't bear to look at!!

Sister Kim, since you have figured out how to add blog topics, do you think you could share your methods with your fellow sisters. We are off for Boston this afternoon!

Keep the blogs and comments coming. Love you all!

Sister Kim said...

If "bookbabe" is Val, then she's being very tricky. I didn't guess her as "bookbabe" since she originally posted as "veekaybee." However, upon further review, "veekaybee" has not posted again since the appearance of "bookbabe" as few days later...hmmm. Methinks I'm being bamboozled (and, I've never even typed that word before!) :}

Sister Kim said...

I like this template better than the 2nd option you created. Still easy to read, but a little pizazz.

veekaybee said...

Okay, I am virtually certain I know who Bookbabe is. Am I the only person who can guess this? Ahhh Bookbabe, I know you SO well...

I don't want to blow your cover if you don't want me to. Should I publish my guess?

I'm trying really hard to get savvy on this whole blogging thing. So let me ask this-- Why do we want to start new topics? I'm confused... Doesn't it mean that we have to keep checking the thread in about 8 different places? Sorry to be such a dinosaur...

Lisa said...

You know veekaybee, you have a good point about new threads and checking old ones... We should probably discuss this as a group. New threads simply tend to Jazz things up a bit. But maybe we should limit new threads to each new book! Anyhow, I think it is helpful to know how to do it and I appreciate Sister Kim's terrific instructions!

Now, to the important stuff. Who is this mystery blogger? Is it Sam? That would be my guess!

Sister Kim said...

Sam indeed is often a mystery to me, but I'm pretty sure he's not a "babe."