Saturday, November 22, 2008


Let's use this blog to plan our trip!


Sister Kim said...

What is the food plan, ladies? Do we have one? Suggestions?

Lisa said...

God love you sister Kim! I love your holiday spirit and your use of the blogsite! My only disappointment... 'The 12 pains of Christmas' song quite playing as I am entering this comment. Have to hurry and get back to the song! Love how you have decorated the site for Christmas.

I will bring some brandy (or whiskey) slush. You mix it with 7up/diet 7up (or not) for a truly wonderful drink that is sure to give us all a buzz! Any strong feelings for brandy vs. whiskey?

Lisa said...

OK -- Love the 'Chipmunks roasting on an open fire'!

Sister Kim said...

" sauce dripping from their toes..."

Lisa said...

OMG I love the decorations! Kim-- I hope you are feeling fit as a fiddle finally?! Okay, so I just rsvp'd for the second time apparently. Can you tell I'm looking forward to it??? As far as food plans... I have planned only one item so far and it's jello shots. Any particular flavors preferred ladies?? How about a Mexican fiesta? You know me and my beans...
(I can't remember my user name and password, so I'm just using the main one-- hope that's okay?

Dawn said...

Testing to see if I remember my password....will get back to you if this works!

Dawn said...

OH my God....I have a brain like a rusty steel trap. You just can't keep a good girl down...

I have some bad news...I cannot go to our Christmas party! I am so sorry. They have moved Izzie's surgery to December 20th (yes, a Saturday) and we are having our Christmas on December 13th. I have the whole fam damily to deal with. That is the only weekend left that we can celebrate. I will sorely miss you girls, but I know that you will understand.

Kim, I just LOVE what you have done with our site. I want to be you when I grow up. Thank you for being you!

I will talk to all of you soon! I hope that all of your Thanksgivings were wonderful. I know that mine was different but made extra special by Val and her wonderful family. Thank you Val!

Later Gaters,


Sister Kim said...

Oh, a Mexican Fiesta theme sounds fun. I could eat Mexican food 6 days a week (on the 7th day, I must have pasta!).

Thank you for volunteering for the jello shots, Val. I believe they are now a vital part of the "tradition." And, I think whiskey slushes would be excellent with Mexican food, so we're off to a great start.

If everyone's on board with this theme, I have a great chicken enchilada recipe, and I can easily fill 1/2 the enchiladas with chicken and 1/2 with cheese.

Who brought the cute question game last year (it was in a clear plastic cube shape)? That was fun. I will look through my game closet and see what else I might have.

I'm SO sorry you won't be with us, Dawn. We will bring you a box over with all your little "gifties" when we get back, and certainly drink a toast to you.

Sister Kim said...

Voting -- ok, I tried to vote twice for myself, and the blog won't let me -- no fair, Lisa and Val got to do it! :)

Do we have confirmation for Joanne? I know she's not a blogger, but I want to make sure she's coming.

Maybe we should do an email about a week before we go with whatever blog plans have materialized by then, to make sure the non-bloggers are in on the deal-e-o.

Lisa said...

Hi Friends,
Just watched a little 3 minute short film that made me think of our Freakanomics discussions of ethics-- Check it out and then tell me what YOU would have done... : )

Looks like you'll have to cut and paste it... Sorry-

Lisa said...

Very cool video Val! Greedy, greedy guy! He should have stopped with the candy bar! (Do you think it would have worked to put the 'hole' on my body and basically perform lyposection?)

Dawn -- so bummed you won't be at our gathering.
