Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Next Book????

Was the MOD at the last bookclub gathering? If so, what book are we reading next? Any progress made for our December meeting? (i.e. gathering at Chris' tremendous lakehouse?)

Miss you all!
Sister Lisa


Dawn said...

Yes....I am the MOD. I was caught unaware and have yet to make a decision. So shoot me....I will make it a short one if I have to!
Christmas at Chris's lakehouse is December 13th, if I am not mistaken. Keep the date open!!!!! I will now get busy and find us a good book...


Anonymous said...

Dawn was unaware because I was supposed to tee that up before the meeting. I was clueless cuz I don't have the notes from our August meeting. Also, what were we supposed to do about money? I remember throwing in $10 at Lisa's but I forgot to mention it at my house. You can see we were a bit disorganized. I'm glad we got as many of us together as we did! Sister Joanne, how's the back????

Sister Kim said...

Has the December 13th date been solidified?